AI is Changing the Way People Date?!

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AI is making its way into more and more fields, and now it’s even making its way into online dating

The world of online dating looks different now, in 2024, and more and more people are using AI to help them find dates every day. One in three guys in the US between the ages of 18 and 34 used ChatGPT to get help with their relationships. 14% of women in the same age group used ChatGPT to get relationship help. 

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AI that can write texts for you to send to online dating matches is also something that a lot of startups have been working on. One example of this is a Russian man who set up an AI robot to talk to over 5,000 women on Tinder. He’s not dating any of them, though. 

People are liking these AI apps and services more and more because they help them. Some people have used programs like ChatGPT or YourMove AI to write notes to potential dates, listen to conversations, make dating profiles, and do a lot of other things that have to do with online dating. 

Dmitri Mirakyan, the founder of YourMove AI, said, “You’d think that most of the people who use this are awkward, but there are a lot of them who are just shy.” A lot of people said they’ve used these AI chatbots to write texts to send because dating can be hard for a lot of people. 

Roman Khaves created Rizz, an AI that helps people find dates. Khaves spoke out and said, “For many people, it’s become like a second job. People are having a hard time.” There are lots of other people in the same line. People need to know how to start conversations on dating apps and have pictures that stand out.

Online dating is now the main way people find love, so AI in the dating world is likely to take off. A lot of people have used this to help them when they don’t know what to say in texts or on dates. For many, it’s also a great way to improve their language and conversation skills. 

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