Basic Self-Defense Tips

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Knowing how to defend yourself is important not only in a survival situation but in your daily life s well. There are plenty of threats and dangers around you every day. I tell my students that it’s silly to only be a prepper in the purely End Of The World As We Know It sense. Essentially, a prepper is prepared for anything: bad weather, natural disaster, blackout, stock market collapse, EMP, the end of the world and any basic personal threat like attack or home invasion.

It is important to know how to defend yourself and you may be surprised to find that basic self-defense has little to do with hitting the right pressure points… 

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Here are several basic self-defense tips that an instructor will tell you in a self-defense class.

  1. Always be aware of your surroundings when you are out on foot. The best way to defend yourself against a threat is to avoid it altogether. Don’t walk around or go for a run with your headphones on. You want to hear what is going on around you. If you have long hair, pull it back before going out so that nothing blocks your peripheral vision.
  2. Always survey your destination prior to walking to it. If you are approaching a gas station, a store, an ATM, a restaurant or any other establishment (especially after dark), survey it prior to walking there. If anyone looks suspicious, go the other way.
  3. Only walk or run on streets that are lit. I can’t count how many situations could have been avoided if people didn’t walk on dark streets.
  4. If you are parking in a parking garage, park as close to the exit as you can, away from the elevator. 
  5. If running is an option – run. I can’t tell my students enough: self-defense is not about fighting people; it’s about putting a stop to an attack and escaping. If something feels wrong – run. If someone starts following you at a distance – run. If you are attacked and manage to temporarily disable your attacker – run. If you are attacked with an intention of being robbed, then throw your belongings away from yourself and run. Essentially, whenever an option to run exists – run.
  6. If you are in close proximity and have to fight back then fight back as hard as you possibly can, hitting the most vulnerable spots: eyes, nose, face, neck, knee or groin. 
  7. Use your feet. Chances are, your shoes are harder than your fists so if you are grabbed, stomp on your attackers feet as hard as you can.
  8. Use your elbow. Your elbow is the strongest point on your body. So hit, jam, and jab with it as hard as you can.
  9. Never go anywhere with your attacker. Let them have whatever you have but don’t leave with them. If someone broke into your car and wants you to drive somewhere (even at gun point), floor the gas pedal and ram your car into a wall or something (avoiding pedestrians of course) to attract attention and cause others to run over to check on you.
  10. Don’t let strangers into your house, and don’t leave the door open to get a family member either. It’s way too easy for an attacker to kill you if once they breach your doorway. So don’t be naive, be cautious. 

Of course, it’s always best to learn real CIA-style tactics to disarm and combat an attacker if they come after you or your family. This way you’ll be prepared for any style of attack, even if they’re much bigger and stronger than you.

To your survival,
Richard Marshall

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