Conflict Is Increasing Due to the Global Water Crisis?!

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The United Nations says that the lack of water around the world is making things less stable and leading to more wars. 

The latest UN World Water Report says that over three billion people don’t have access to toilets or clean drinking water. Three billion people also don’t have access to clean drinking water. The UN says that having access to water is very important for keeping the peace in the world. 

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Claire Azoulay, head of UNESCO, said, “Water shortages not only make geopolitical tensions worse, but they also threaten basic rights by, for example, making it much harder for girls and women to get ahead.”

People’s cleanliness and medical care have been harmed by the lack of clean water. A lot of people move here from places where water is scarce, and they put a lot of stress on the water system. 

The study said that climate change could change the amount of clean drinking water that is available and make droughts worse. 

It’s not just that people in Syria have trouble with water. It’s not just that people in Sudan have trouble with water. As Quentin Graft from the UNESCO-affiliated Water Justice Hub put it, “we can’t feed ourselves when climate change is added to an already existing water crisis.” This is because we all depend on freshwater to grow our food, whether it’s irrigated or fed by rain. 

According to the study Water for Prosperity and Peace, more than half of the world’s people have very little access to water. Some places don’t get water at all times of the year. 

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