Biden To Propose Spending 37 Billion To Fight Crime

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US President Joe Biden is set to travel to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania this week where he will outline his proposal to fight crime and hire more police officers ahead of midterms.

Biden is expected to call on Congress on Thursday in Wilkes University to allocate a $37 billion budget for his anti-crime program.

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According to the reports, Biden’s budget would also include $13 billion, allocated to support communities across the United States and hire and train 100,000 police officers in five years.

Biden administration’s officials also claimed that the president is planning to $3 billion to resolve cases which involved guns and murders and help clear court backlogs. 

Biden also reportedly plans to launch a program that will help fund the ideas for preventing violent crimes and create a public health response to incidents involving non-violent crimes to reduce the burden on law enforcement.

Meanwhile, the remaining $5 billion will support the programs that are intended to stop violence before it occurs.

Biden’s proposal was released to the media after Republicans slammed the Biden administration for their slow actions against rising violent crimes across the country. 

“Tomorrow you will hear President Biden drive a clear contrast with congressional Republicans. You will hear him outline how he and Congressional Democrats have funded the police and taken action to fight crime.” A senior Biden administration official said in a statement. 

Furthermore, the Brennan Center for Justice, a law and public policy institute revealed that “viol­ent crime and some types of prop­erty crime rose across the coun­try in 2020 in communit­ies of all types.”

“It is too soon to talk with preci­sion about national crime trends in 2021, as the FBI has yet to publish national data. However, prelim­in­ary inform­a­tion suggests that increases in murder rates may have begun to slow.” The center said. 

Biden’s proposal also came as the Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced the arrests of 24 sex offenders, with people being concerned that those who might get deported would come back due to Biden’s porous-borders policy.

Last week, the Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande sector “arrested an MS-13 gang member with a criminal history of aggravated homicide in El Salvador, a Honduran convicted of sexual battery in Tennessee, a Mexican previously sentenced in Wisconsin to three years in prison for sexual assault, and five other known gang members,” the Heritage reported.

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