Should You Go It Alone As A Prepper?

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It is difficult to survive as a lone wolf. Most of us understand that it is important to have a community, to be surrounded by people who are ready to offer support and encouragement.

We also understand that for OPSEC purposes, we shouldn’t be disclosing any of our personal “prepping” information to anyone. So, what are the benefits of having a “prepping” community and how do we go about finding or building it without compromising security?

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Where do I start? You’ll be missing out on a lot if you don’t have like minded people around…

First of all, prep groups that are well managed are very effective when it comes to exchanging knowledge. Generally, once you are a trusted member of the group, the other members will teach you various survival skills, like combat, hunting, medical care and more. Some groups I know capitalize on their membership by setting up training and inviting an expert to speak.

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, a well-knit preparedness group may become your survival team and maybe even your family post-collapse. Preppers’ groups frequently discuss disaster plans and run disaster preparedness drills, agree on a place to meet in an emergency scenario, set up retreats, and discuss individual responsibilities and community rules for short-term survival.

Lastly, prepper groups discuss various contingency plans and post-collapse lifestyle, covering a number of scenarios, exchanging ideas and settling on ways to rebuild the community (and yes, your kids will need someone to marry).

When you look for a local prepping community, start with There are many groups around the country and chances are, there is one near you. A word of caution, do not disclose your location or your supplies to a meetup group. Frequently those groups are not entirely serious or are purely amateur. Find common ground first and agree on the “rules of engagement” prior to sharing personal information.

Another place to look for a local preppers’ gathering is Yahoo groups. You will find dozens by trying different keywords.

One of my favorite places to look for a group is the United Preppers website. You can register and post a message, describing what kind of group you are looking for. Nobody exchanges information on this forum unless they figure out mutual expectations and agree on how they will partner up and communicate should SHTF.

If you are new to this… Here are some things you should expect when looking for a local prepping group.

  1. Every member should have all of his own basic supplies. A group leader generally expects that you have a reasonable supply of food and water for your family, weapons and ammo, medical supplies, fire starting supplies, shelter, etc.
  2. You should have some survival skills and some unique skills to offer to the group.
  3. Everyone in your family should be willing to pitch in.
  4. Do not disclose your name or where you are, or you’ll likely be ignored.

Now that you have the basics down, use these tips to find like-minded people in your area and teach the skills you’ve learned from Alive After Crisis with your group members.

To your survival,
Richard Marshall

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