Russians Are Making Election Preparations With Putin’s Victory Assured

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It’s not a surprise that Vladimir Putin will win the upcoming Russian elections

If Vladimir Putin wins this election, he will be in charge until 2030. This will be his fifth term in office. Many people don’t think he’ll be ready to step down any time soon, even though he’s been in office since 1999. 

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The Kremlin said they were sure Putin would win the poll “comfortably” and that the results would not surprise them. There will only be three other candidates on the ballot besides Putin. All of them are against the present rule in Russia. 

They think that a lot of people will vote and that a lot of people will vote for Putin when the election returns come in. Andreas Tursa, a consultant for the firm Teneo, said, “The Kremlin wants an election result that shows the vast majority of people support Putin and, by extension, his domestic and foreign policy agenda.” He went on to say that the Kremlin is looking forward to a “landslide victory.” 

Experts say that Putin doesn’t really have any competition. In the end, the authorities can make the result they want to happen even if things don’t go their way, so they don’t care if Putin loses to someone else. 

Russians who are in Ukraine will be able to vote normally, but Ukraine has said that these votes from inside Ukraine would be illegal.

There has been a lot of talk about the Russian poll and how it will be held. People who are against the polls have said that they are rigged by the Russian government and that the outcome will always favor them. “Not free or fair at all” have said that these elections are, and many people don’t think their votes really count. 

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