New Poll Shows Biden’s Job-Approval Rating Hiting New Lows

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US President Joe Biden’s job’s approval rating continues to decrease amid the controversies and crises faced by the country ahead the midterm elections.

According to the recent Gallup poll released on Friday, Biden has reached the lowest approval rating since entering the White House in January 2021.

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His rating was down by three percentage points from last month’s Gallup poll, leaving him with an approval rating of 38%, the current survey showed.

It also plunged by 19 points from Inauguration Month 2021 after the president had a “favorability quotient of 57% with Gallup respondents.”

The Gallup history revealed that former presidents including Donald Trump and Jimmy Carter never received lower than 42% with job approval or four points higher than Biden’s current standing with likely American voters.

The history also showed George W. Bush with the highest approval rating in Gallup at 75% in 2001 just immediately after the controversial 9/11 attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Moreover, in the recent CIVIQS survey, it was also revealed that the president is in “underwater” referring to a politician’s disapproval rating being higher than their approval numbers in 48 states.”

“The president’s favorability ratings began falling shortly after the United States pulled out of Afghanistan in August 2021, paving the way for a Taliban takeover within the country.” Gallup discovered as per NewsMax.

“Gallup also pitted Biden’s averages from the first six quarters against previous commanders in chief, using that same timeline of evaluation.” The report added.

Furthermore, Gallup also revealed that the president has “finished last in the survey of U.S. presidents, dating back to former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Through six quarters, Biden has a composite average of less than 40%.”

Gallup also said that from a political-affiliation standpoint, only 31% of independents, 5% of Republicans and 78% Democrats approved of the president’s presidential tenure of 18 months.

However, from last month, Biden has dropped two percentage points among the independent voters.

The survey was conducted over the three-week period of July 5-26 with 1,013 adults in the record.

The survey’s margin of error involves a plus/minus differential of four percentage points, along a confidence rate of 95%.


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