Global War on Farmers Intensifies Amid Food Shortages

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The effects of what critics have described as a global “war” against farmers and ranchers are becoming more evident. But even as food shortages intensify, governments, including the Biden administration, are cracking down on agricultural production harder.

Experts and lawmakers who spoke to The Epoch Times warned it was time to curb government policies that hurt the poor the most. A Republican congressman said a GOP-led Congress would go to work immediately after taking over.

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Although the attacks on agriculture and related industries look different in different countries, many experts say it is a coordinated global policy promoted by the United Nations (UN), the World Economic Forum (WEF), the European Union ( EU), and others. International forces are determined to transform civilization.

In July, The Epoch Times published an in-depth investigative article that cited several industry professionals as saying that UN-backed policies on climate change and sustainable development, which they described as a “war on farmers,” were directly responsible for the food escalation crisis.

The outcome of policies directed at agricultural producers begins to be clear, with food shortages becoming more acute around the world. Think of Sri Lanka, but on a global scale, at least if current trends continue.

UN leaders and Western officials are openly discussing it. President Joe Biden, for example, citing the conflict in Ukraine, warned earlier this year that a “real” food shortage would soon follow.

Meanwhile, UN World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley has warned since the start of the COVID crisis of a “devastating” global food shortage that could lead to a famine of “biblical proportions” in dozens of nations.

“The world must open its eyes to this unprecedented global food crisis and act now to prevent it from getting out of control,” he said last month at a World Food Day event organized by a member-led UN agency. Of the Communist Party of China(CCP).

Indeed, with farmers and ranchers coming under increasing regulatory pressure, numerous authoritative sources warn that even rich countries like the United States could start experiencing problems in the food supply chain and other critical sectors in the coming months.

Cracks in the system are starting to appear in Europe. More and more items are missing from supermarket shelves as prices skyrocket. In the UK and Germany, the growing shortage of shops has been in the news for weeks.

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