China Conducting Influence Campaigns to Interfere in US Elections

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A pdf report published by surveillance firm Recorded Future last October 13 broke just less than a month after technology firm Meta Platforms said that it had shut down a misinformation operation centered in China prior to the midterms.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is currently undergoing influence programs with the clear specific aim of increasing political polarization among Americans and ruining the reputation and image of candidates seeking a role in the government.

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According to experts, China’s communist government is seeking to intervene in the approaching midterm elections in the United States by propagating misinformation and hate speech.

Over the course of five years, the Pacific Dialogue has uploaded over 600 anti-Western videos and worked relentlessly to promote them across several platforms.

This tactic sought to publicize extremist sentiments on both ends of the social and political scale in order to foster a political split among American citizens.

Similarly, the Recorded Future investigation discovered that China-based influence activities were geared towards fostering extremism and causing dissension among American voters.

According to the analysis, the CCP, like Russia, appears to be flooding digital platforms with discourses aimed to weaken the US by using political wedge problems such as abortion, gun restrictions, fascism, homelessness, immigration, racism, technology decoupling, Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, and others.

Although the majority of these operations might have an indirect impact on the outcome of the midterm elections, the researchers discovered that there was one instance in which the CCP sought to intervene directly.

That was the situation for Xiong Yan, a Chinese national living in the United States. The CCP earlier this year attacked the Army veteran and New York City congressional candidate.

The Justice Department has accused known CCP affiliates of attempting to bribe and even physically assault Yan in order to remove him from the candidacy and keep his anti-communist views out of the political arena.

According to the research, CCP officials rely on diplomats, journalists, and commentators to disseminate anti-US propaganda digitally.

These texts are then reinforced by phony personas and other inauthentic social media accounts, which artificially resemble actual involvement and lead people to assume that unfavorable views toward the US are more common than they are.

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